Hey guys
While I do work on an actual video game, it so happens I create other projects too. All of them are open-source c# libraries, from which some are aimed at video game development. I really like to publish them here but the form on the "Create a new project" page does not really seem to support this.
For example, the classification dropdown seem to list a lot of things, but none really come close to a software library. Also, since it is a library there are no binaries. In fact, everything is available on NuGet. And finally, it is from great importance I can link to my GitHub page since the README contains important information about the usage and installation and so people know where to open up issues.
Itch is a very great website and it seems to support a lot of different projects, yet I find it a shame it does not really seem to support software libraries aimed at game dev since these libraries are often foundations for game engines or game development tools. And I don't necessarily mean only software libraries like mine, I am also talking about Python plugins for Blender or c++ plugins for whatever engine. By no means I mean Unity scripts since Unity has its own store for that. But for the projects that are standalone there is not currently a platform to publish. And I know from experience that people also look for such things. Let me know what you think and I am willing to brainstorm with you for a solution.
With kind regards,