My Mech STRAY Vs XORTDUX, both AI set to Hard.
I am having quite a lot of fun with my friends playing this. Its very rare a mech based game like this games out these days, even more so when theres customization involved.
My general gripes with the game in its current form...
-A lot of weapons tend to have the same weight or damage values as one another, this im assuming will be solved in time as the developers see how strong weapons are in comparison to each other.
-Considering how this game is played, and I understand energy management, but it feels like you consume too much energy to boost or dont have enough energy in general which can slow down the overall pace of the game.
-Speaking of pace and how chaotic some battles are the camera can be an issue, the camera is stiff and jolts around very close in to the action straining the eyes and hampering people who are prone to motion sickness. I feel this could be alleviated somewhat.
-The Stability Gauge is often hard to notice.
I could go over how I think the weapons currently are but I dont want to extend this post too much or make any suggestions until I have played the game a bit longer and test things, specially with this supposed "Big Update" coming.