Please let me know what you think about Flower Gunpowder!
I didn't even expect to see someone playing this ancient piece of my creative failure. There is no tutorial or even a short description of what you are supposed to do because I got tired of this project, gave it up, and pretended like it had been finished. So, basically, you have to build flowerbeds, plant different flowers with different magic effects in different patterns to make spells, then you have to suck the combination into your staff and use it as a weapon against rodents. In the process, you get money and buy new flowers and patterns. Your goal is to survive till the end of the rodents invasion. Unfortunately, I can't say what keys you should press because I forgot it and I don't have time to play it again in order to recall it in my memory.
You press 2 to equip the wand: RMB to absorb a flowerbed-spell, LMB to fire it (with a short delay)
Press 1 to equip the spade, and RMB to edit a flowerbed, and RMB again to deselect the flowerbed
Flowerbed-spells are erased on use, so you need to plan ahead for the wave (though sometimes they aren't consumed?). I had a lot of fun trying spell combinations (some are outright counterproductive, like reflect+explode lol) but the actual gameplay is not very exciting (just wait for them to bunch up and explode them). Also why are the moles trying to eat the rabbit and not the vegetation?
Anyway it's worth putting these controls on the game page so more people can try this experiment.