Hey, just thought I'd share my theme since it's quite different from what's already available.
Here's the code if anyone wants to try it out. Just duplicate another theme file and paste this (including the curly braces) over the top. It'll show up in the list of themes as whatever you name the file.
"GUI_OUTLINE": [64, 13, 164, 255],
"GUI_OUTLINE_HIGHLIGHTED": [87, 0, 252, 255],
"GUI_OUTLINE_DISABLED": [73, 31, 99, 255],
"GUI_INSIDE": [225, 226, 251, 255],
"GUI_INSIDE_HIGHLIGHTED": [80, 86, 255, 255],
"GUI_INSIDE_DISABLED": [184, 186, 247, 255],
"GUI_FONT_COLOR": [0, 32, 67, 255],
"GUI_NOTE_COLOR": [132, 255, 189, 255],
"GUI_SHADOW_COLOR": [159, 125, 247, 255]