General chat.
Ah that sounds a lot more useful for tracking targets, i personally still think a free look camera would be good for the 1st person view :) and also pilot ranks sound great (what exactly could that entail?), but what i meant was something for leading your shots when in a dog fight... also any chance of an a-4 skyhawk at some point in the future? F-5 is great, love its speed lol
A sort of free look cam could definitely be interesting for checking out dogfights. Perhapse an option for the instant dogfight gamemode. Pilot ranks (obtained from experience) would mainly grant you access to new liveries or special aircraft that are fun to fly, as that was the idea with experience. Regarding the pippers, there will likely be no lead predictors, at least not for the steam release. The A-4 is included in the list for the future along with a whole bunch of other planes, still gotta decide where to place it in the rankings tho.
Pilot ranks sound great, something to work towards for players, maybe keep the A-4 as one of the planes to work for in pilot ranks. can't wait for the steam release and to see even more new planes. This project is literally amazing. Probably asking too much but, as for the 1st person camera any plans to make it more like a cockpit view or just keep it as is? :)
A cockpit view is the one thing that this game will unfortunately never have. As you may have guessed, it's just too much work for the amount of planes involved. The good news is this allows me to crank out a new plane every 2-3 days. The A4 will likely be added to the default aircraft list. Experimental/specials will be rather exotic, mostly one-off prototypes or other planes with unique performance characteristics that fit the fighter role. Also , I'm glad you're excited about the project dude, so am I! Many big features/changes are underway.
Ill list some of em right here.
Planned aircraft (unordered):
Non player-flyable (AI only):
Ill actually make a new topic with this and most of the planned features too.
Dude these are so cool, some great choices.. got a thing for small planes so liking the f-20, A4 and X-29. Also i had never heard of two of these so had to go look them up, Mikoyan Ye-8 and XF-107A so thanks lol sounds like you have a lot planned exciting! Edit: being British would be a shame if i didnt ask or mention some planes that might be nice? spitfire, Supermarine Scimitar :)
The game until now feels really good, but one issue sadly prevents me from having fun:
It's really, really hard to know where your opponent is.
It's also really hard to even start a dogfight. it usually goes something like:
I spot the enemy, I try to shoot it down, we fly pass each other.
I try to circle around, can't find him, continue circling.
I see tracers from behind, I turn off the engine, he flies past me.
I shoot him, I miss, I loose his sight, I circle around, can't find him...
I'm not telling you to "just fix the AI", but if there was anything like a minimap, a green indicator active from behind or a camera control. just something so it feels less unfair (the enemy always knowing my position and not vice versa)
Thanks for the feedback. Yes this is a known issue, it's hard to get the AI to get off your tail because of the fixed camera and the AI always knowing your position. The latest build (not released) has an orbit camera that can be toggled on/off that allows you to look around, which to me made it play a lot better. Downside is: you cant use mouse control in this mode as youre already using that to control the camera, so you have to use joystick or keyboard controls.