First post here, but second RPG released!
This weekend, I released S.M.A.C. : Saturday Morning Awesome Cartoons. The premise is simple: it's a mini-RPG built upon the sugar-fueled imagination of those watching cartoons and seeing all of the ads for the associated toys in the 80s and 90s. Build your character inspired by a cartoon and the toys from it, load up on accessories, and head out on an adventure!
The game is pamphlet-sized, and my first foray into a smaller RPG. The price is locked in at $1, but there are plenty of community copies to get the ball rolling. Feel free to pick it up and offer some feedback!
If you're curious what else is next, give me a follow; I have two more games in the pipe of my own (dates TBD), four more titles tied to the Henshin Heroes line with my dev partner Bob Skerry, and will be releasing a finalized version of my core game, NICHE, in the coming weeks!