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Cybel : A frantic top down shooter ( Open Beta)

A topic by Indibutable created Jan 12, 2021 Views: 324 Replies: 1
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Hi everyone!

We're a team of 2 working on our first game : Cybel. It's a frantic top down shooter with a mix of 2D and 3D. 

We've put a first version here and already recieved some very helpful feedback. We know this type of game is very demanding when it comes to the controls and game feel in general, so we ask for your feedback : 

  •  Did you feel the controls or movement were sometimes unnatural or impairing?
  •  Did you get lost in the levels looking for objectives?
  • Did you find that the difficulty was too high or too low?

If you have feeback on anything else, please share it with us ! :) every bit helps.

The page:

Cybel is pleased 

We're having a lot of fun with this project so far and seeing that people actually play it is unbelievably motivating :,D

Thank you!


Good luck! The game looks hot. Keep the updates flowing