Hello, i'm UnKumo. First goes firts: My main lenguage is spanish, and i'm still struggling writing english. Sorry :')
I made with my friends a little fangame based on the webcomic Homestuck. However, no previous knowledge of said comic is required to understand and enjoy our game. We use our exclusive story, characters and world, with all the good and bad it carries.
By our spanish community, i can say, most of the people that commented our work, enjoyed the game. I hope people that try the game over here, enjoy in the same way too.
Link: https://unkumo.itch.io/cheatstuck
- Made in RPG Maker
- Text
- idk if those features are actually attractive
- Turn based combat
- some puzzles
- 4 ~ 6 hours game.
(the trailer is actually in spanish but you don't really need to read anything??)