This is a project I have been working on for a year or so (on and off) that is starting to take shape! It is a turn-based old-school jrpg. The plan is for deep story/lore, interesting battles, and exploration driven gameplay!
Originally I was going to build a demo and go from there, but I couldn't wait to show off what little work I had done, and released a proto-type. I have continued to update it, balance it and add new stuff to it. It has slowly become something I am proud of! I have learned a couple of things along the way...
1. On that journey, you come to realise just how important it is to get someone to playtest your game! So many updates needed to be hot-fixed straight away with people unable to progress past a certain point!
2. Development takes time. Lots of time. If you think you can do an update in a week, times that by 3.
3. The support, feedback, and advice you receive is important! It is important to think democratically in how you respond to bad feedback (or impossible game ideas lol), but also how to listen, and ask questions. Not all advice is good advice, but listening is key!
Anyways, I am interested to see what you think of my little project! Thanks to everyone for the help and support I have received in whatever form it took! I look forward to working on the next big update!
Bizmaster Studios