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Shy Eye Labyrinth: Prototype

A topic by Gametoria created Feb 10, 2021 Views: 240 Replies: 2
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You have been locked in the labyrinth with a quest. Find four keys to open a way out. Each key is hidden in a unique level. Can you discover labyrinth’s secrets, overcome it’s puzzles and find the keys?

This is just a prototype, not a fully developed game.

I got the Yellow key and when I was passing through the middle of the HUB my character fell through the floor at the middle platform and I couldn't get out.

The idea of having different labyrinths with different mechanics is a great one, but at the end of the day, the two labyrinths that I played felt similar in the mechanical aspect. They both felt as if the main challenge was the platforming.

The art is very pleasing, and even though they aren't that many assets, I didn't get tired of looking at it.  

Keep working at it and you guys might have something here :)

Hi, sorry about it. It is just a prototype, so there are some bugs. The first two areas are similar, but the others are different with different puzzles.