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Some Suggestions

A topic by hurleyef created Jul 12, 2017 Views: 727 Replies: 14
Viewing posts 1 to 6

Hey guy, you are making almost exactly the game I've been looking for and I wanted to offer my feedback. Normally, I wouldn't do that, and I don't think I ever have, but I spent like 12 hours one this game the other day and couldn't get it out of my head. Then I came across this post:

Bronze Age will be "finished"when you can grow from your first 7 citizens to an entire Empire. A dozen major cities, linked with trade networks, and a total population in the thousands. You will deal with the several races of local tribes through both warfare and diplomacy. There will be rival empires along your border, with which you can trade and wage war. Armies in the hundreds will clash on the battlefield. Charriots, spearmen, archers, and auxilaries pledged by friendly Maskling (and other) tribes. The gods themselves will take interest in your empire, as your priests invoke their favor. --Commodore Shaw

Okay, so there are most of my suggestions, certainly the most important ones outside of tin. That really got me excited. So here are some of my other ideas, in no particular order:

  • Distinct Regions: Large areas wherein some or all biomes have unique properties and resources. The player should have to build and develop trade routes and settlements in order to progress technologically.
  • Rare Tin: Tin was hard to source during the bronze age, mostly coming from europe and southeastern asia. It should be rare to start with tin accessible, and exiting the chalcolithic should be a big deal. Access to tin could also serve as a limiter of sorts, further rewarding efficient trade, expansion, and diplomacy.
  • Scouts: A hands off and reliable means for exploration, both civilian and military. It would also be nice to be able to define patrol paths and provide protection for caravans.
  • Maritime Trade: There should be a large scale and coherent, if not always convenient, system of navigable waterways connecting all or almost all region types. 
  • Dyes and Paint: Source these materials to use them to color things like buildings, walls, boats, etc. Some may be unique to certain regions and could be pretty diverse, ranging from ochres to snail secretions. Painted/dyed objects would have enhanced wealth values.
  • Temple and Palace Complexes: These would be long term projects, with a definite focus on quality over quantity. Every major city should have them, but they should be unique. A base building would provide basic services with additions providing different effects, with only the greatest of civilizations being capable of creating the most advanced religious and administrative centers.
  • Religion: You mentioned your ideas elsewhere and they are more or less in line with mine. My only contribution is the idea of having city gods that can be courted/developed through the temple complex.
  • Cool Gates!: I know it's lame, but I want my own special gates, like the Ishtar Gate or Hattusa's Lion Gate. Some of these may be tricky to build: I once read that the glazing powder used to color the Ishtar gate was made using precisely mixed ingredients sourced from distant and disparate regions. Perhaps different types of gate have different upgrades and upgrade paths.  Also more statues and monuments, obviously.

I've really enjoyed playing with 1.3.2 so far and can't wait to see where this game goes.


Hi, thanks for taking the time to leave such detailed feedback.

  • Distinct Regions: you can start to see the beginnings of this in 1.3. Many resources are limited per biome, and some (like limestone and copper ore) are only present in some biomes. This will be expanded upon in the future, with tin and gold ores, and possibly other resources as well. 
  • Rare Tin: I do want to balance realism with fun, so tin probably won't be quite as rare as it was in the historical mediterranean.
  • Scouts: this could be handled by adding more functionality to warbands, I think. Patrol paths is a good idea.
  • Maritime Trade: boats are planned for 1.4, and will be able to trade between settlements. The existing generated oceans should be sufficient for forming trade routes, I think. A potential lack of navigable waterways creates the opportunity for creative solutions. Like a small port town linking a tin mine to the rest of your empire.
  • Dyes and Paint: this would be neat, but not very manageable in terms of art assets. Dyes as a luxury item could easily show up, though. 
  • Temple and Palace Complexes: Instead of defining a preset complexes, I'd rather give players the tools to create their own through statues, gardens, and temples.
  • Religion: City specific gods would be really neat and thematic, but I don't think it would be all that practical from a development standpoint.
  • Cool Gates: I think more ornamental or vanity structures are very likely.

I would also like to ask for some little features ;)

1. Could you add a symbole for maskling camps on the map? It is a bit hard to remember them when your settlers hit one ;)

2. An increase of the resolution of the regional map, with the rivers and small biomes it gets a bit messy there

3. Deactivating Shortcuts, when the game is minimized and I am typing something the game is reacting to it, I accidentally deleted two times my savegame this way :/

Guess this stuff makes things a bit better for the overview :)


I'll see what I can do.

(1 edit)

Might as well add mine.

- Abandoning settlements. One might order migrants to settle by mistake, find out there's masklings nearby, deplete the copper vein they came for, etc... An option to abandon the settlement might be useful in some cases.

- Once the boats get added, tweak worldgen to make proper islands. So far my exploration has led me to believe the world is more of a contiguous web of land dotted with large lakes, much like minecraft. I might be wrong, but I'd have to explore quite a lot to see the end of it, so putting that here just in case. Maybe even worldgen options at some point in the distant future (maskling/ore density, island size, etc...)

- A change in how migrant groups are done. Currently they're picked from idlers, but I found that even with large intakes of migrants, I hardly get any idlers, so forming migrant groups of even 7 is difficult, and I would like to make groups of 20+. Maybe just say "I want a migrant group of X" and citizens join it like they would  the military. Maybe even get a migrant staging grounds building. That might also help to let migrants bring ressources with them (mostly construction materials to get started quickly).

- More of a bug, but warbands stop moving entirely when they get engaged in combat. I had four militia die because the warband tried to reform at the wrong time and maskling caught them halfway through, with most of the skirmishers way out of range. And everybody stopped moving the second masklings touched the militias! It's the same for maskling huts. One dude touches a tent and starts banging on it, and the whole 100-strong warband stops dead in its tracks.

- Properly impassable mountains, and maybe even impassable rivers (that can be bridged over?). Rivers make for gorgeous cities, but I'd like my flanks a little more secure if possible.

- The stone walls and towers look a bit out of place next to the base ones, something the wooden upgrade doesn't suffer from. It's just my opinion though.

EDIT: - Click-and-drag building placement. Click-and-drag on two dimensions to place plazzas, wider roads, or fill the gaps in a house block. That'd be mighty convenient.

The rest is already planned or bugs, like pathing, migrants who don't respond to move commands, or pig-gathering completely stopping for some reason (there are wild pigs wandering the city and two empty pastures, but nobody does anything about it. Might have to do with the one guy "gathering pigs" stuck on a peninsula very far away). Mostly pathing. Also performance improvements, obviously. 1.3 was a giant step forward in that regard and I can't wait to see how many citizens I can cram into 1.4 before it cries uncle.

  • Abandoning settlements will be a bit tricky, but could be done while adding support for capturing and reclaiming them.
  • The generator in 1.3 creates islands from time to time, already. There will be at least one more major rework of the world generator in the future, but probably not until 1.5 at the earliest. In 1.3 the world is limitless, it will generate as you explore it (Minecraft style)
  • One of the changes coming in 1.4 is the ability to create migrant bands from anyone, not just idlers.
  • That warband behavior is currently acting as designed, but I'd like to smooth it out and give players more control warbands.
  • Good suggestions for the world generator. Mountains used to be impassable, but that ran into issues with pathing (pre 1.0). With the new pathing improvements in 1.3 they're a possibility.

Thanks for the great feedback.

I just wanted to piggy back on the abandoning settlements thing to mention that I've had one or two mistaken settlements I'd like to get rid of, but I'd also like the ability to merge settlements, when they've grown close enough to each other.


Merging is another good idea.

Thanks for the response, I have been playing all day and have a few more thoughts and issues.

  • The settlement overlay being visible over fog of war would be useful
  • Perhaps there could be a way to toggle marks to help planning, and/or allow buildings to be built over rocks/trees.
  • I'd like to be able to ship pigs between settlements
  • Being able to drag scroll on the minimap
  • The minimap could have a box to showing the boundaries of the main window. (I hope that makes sense.)
  • I'd like to be able to drag a road all the way from one point to the other, with the screen moving automatically as I go. Fullscreen with borderscrolling would be ideal, I think, with customizable scrolling sensitivity
  • It would be nice to be able to type in amounts. At the very least, I'd like to be able to increment trade amounts by ten.
  • The shortcuts at the top for cities/migrants/warriors is great, it would be nice if I could customize it more.
  • I love the graphics.

I've also encounted some bugs. They refer to this save file:

  • Pig herders are stuck on the other side of a lake bordering my capital
  • I lost the ability to differentiate between game speeds. CPU (i7 6800k) utilization is pegged around 15%. I believe this started around 800 citizens, but can't remember.
  • Hammerchopper Camp was a mistake and does not exist, I'd like to be able to get rid of it.
  • Masklings stopped attacking me a long time ago. I'll still encounter them in the wild, both in camps and standing groups, but they just don't attack me anywhere any more.

Thanks again for the amazing game.


Thanks for the suggestions, I've made a note of them.

What would you like to be able to customize about the group shortcuts?

I got a 404 trying to get that save file.

(1 edit)

Thanks for taking my feedback, but mostly thanks for making this brilliant game. :)

At the very least I'd like to be able to set them myself, with only 10 hotkeys I'm going to want to pick what they do. Every backwoods mining town doesn't need quick access. More would be nice too, perhaps a row of armies and a column of cities, though that might be tricky to do elegantly within the aesthetic of the game. It'd also be nice to be able to rename groups/cities, as well as an explicit means to stop population growth other than maintaining 1% homelessness.

Try this one.

I personally find that the continuous stream of immigrants and the subsequent need to grow and adapt is an interesting and integral part of the game.

(1 edit)

Another suggestion: 3-blocks long walls. It will very simply allow walls to be any length except 2 and 5 blocks. Currently they can only be multiples of 4, and building a long wall only to find out that you're one block short from squeezing that last wall in is maddening.

More generally put, I'd like more flexible walls. I think 3-blocks short walls is the simplest method. Something context-dependant similar to roads would be ideal but more complicated to implement.

Edit: A way to heal people? I'm not sure they heal on their own and there's nothing on trello about healing stuff.

Soldiers heal while garrisoned.


A garrisoned soldier in a barracks will heal, as long as there is enough food.

A civilian will go to their home to heal, as long as they have a home, and there is enough food.