I have to ask, is there any chance for DLC? There are so many possibilities. Ofc it depends on if it is financially viable for the devs but I'd love to see some DLC.
Hey Nymrod! Firstly, just wanted to say thank you for being so involved in the LMA2 community. Your guidance to others has been really helpful!
So about DLC, at this time there's no plans for it. I do like the idea though! It's a good way of expanding the story/world and improving and adding possible endings etc. I know another bara dev, who has done a muscle Furry patch/dlc for one of his games (turns all sprites into their furry version). Which I think is pretty neat.
Also, I've been roped into a team for NanoReno 2021 which starts next month and runs for 2 I think? Anyways, that'll be eating up most of time and creative juices unfortunately. So I think the earliest I can attempt gamedev again purely for SSEA, might be for BaraJam 2021.