Hey Itchers! :D
I've always doodled and tried to create games my whole life... and finally, my doodles are in my own game!
I was finally able to finish my first game for the "Small Island" Theme by WeeklyGameJam (#189) [after about 7 over-scoping failures... haha]
Most of my games will be immersed in the SEEDZ AND TWIGZ universe I've created over the years! They take place in a microscopic underwater world known as the LIFEVINE. The premise for this game is that there's a current flowing through the LIFEVINE, and vine pieces with SEEDLING food are floating by that your character is trying to shoot down (while avoiding other hungry SEEDZ!)
It's only one level, but even I find it pretty challenging to complete! Would love any feedback or suggestions you have!
I also make my SEEDZ AND TWIGZ art (and sometimes do GameMaker code) on Twitch weekly, and you can also catch some of my Game Art Timelapse videos on YouTube!
Thanks everyone! I've loved playing all the games here and I'm super excited to get one of mine into the mix!
All the best,