«On a Clear Day» is the name of one of Agnes Martin’s works where she first introduced the concept of seriality. This series consists of 30 sheets on which strips and mesh are applied by means of screen printing. The proportions of one such sheet formed the basis of the three-dimensional grid in the game. The resulting structure can be rotated; the number of its segments, its color and so much more can also be changed. One may look at it from the inside, the outside and even move around in it. Thus, we get a series of countless frames that is individual for each player. This experiment is designed to see how Agnes Martin’s mesh exists in a new and different form of media, to look at the opportunities that a 3d mesh provides over a flat one, as well as to see the connections between Martin’s art and generative digital art. And, of course, we strived to convey the same state of serenity within the game that the series «On a Clear Day» brings about.