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Nature Dungeon

A topic by Alakaeh created Mar 15, 2021 Views: 8,909 Replies: 17
Viewing posts 1 to 7

i need some guide about this dungeon... Just like fire dungeon in the Walkthrough file

Yes too many combinations plants, fertilizer, fish etc. well you know

(6 edits) (+1)

These are my notes (in progress):

All materials from planting:

SeedOrganic FertilizerMineral FertilizerMixed Fertilizer
WoollyUnusual CottonNONENONE
SparklingSparkling CottonNONENONE
RoseThorny RoseNONENONE
GreenNONEUnusual BerryNONE
PurpleNONEHard CornUnusual Corn
BlackUnusual Fish BaitNONEBlack Wood Branch
BrownNONENONEDark Wood Branch
MagicMagic FiberUnusual WeedChrome Green Fruit

All material from fishing:

  • Unusual berry -> Hard fish
  • Hard corn -> Spiked clam
  • Unusual corn -> Waddling
  • Unusual fish bite -> Magic tront
  • Chrome green fruit -> Chrome green catfish

Known Combinations (order is not important):

 1. General Armor = Unusual Cotton + Unusual Weed + Chrome Green Catfish

Head ArmorBody ArmorShoe Armor
CommonPretty HatBasic ShirtUgly Shoes
RareElegant HatProper ShirtFast Shoes
EpicNifty HatSplendid ShirtLightning Fast Shoes
  • Probably no Legendary Equipment (I make 50+ combination, and don't drop)

2. Magic Armor = Sparkling Cotton + Magic Fiber + Magic Trout

Head ArmorShoe Armor
CommonFancy CapUnusual Shoes
RareMagic CapUnusual Blue Shoes
EpicElegant Mage HatUnusual Purple Shoes
LegendaryPolka, A Fools Favorite
Two Face
Garganti, Sock of Destruction
Winnie, Might Protectors

3. Light Armor = Black Wood Branch + Dark Wood Branch + Waddling 

Head ArmorBody Armor
CommonPretty HelmetWood Armor
RareSafe HelmetSummer Armor
EpicAlmos Unique HelmetProtective Armor
LegendaryAriando, Life-saver
Zanwas, Master of Pain
Azerioth, Gaia's Pride
  • Healthy Belt of Pain (Accessory)
  • Denenia, Shield of Nature (Shield)

4. Heavy Armor = Thorny Rose + Hard Flatfish + Spiked Clam

Head ArmorBody ArmorGun  Attachment
CommonFish Scale Helmet???Gun camouflage
RareHeavy Fish Scale HelmetBlessed Fish Scale ArmorFish Scale Muzzle
EpicSpiked HelmetHoly Fish Scale ArmorUnusual Target Scope
LegendaryAshridan, The Mask
Thorin, Attack Comes First
The SaviorAP Bullet Upgrade
  • God's Deffender (Shield, but you can equip this as Body part[probably bug])

Excellent work, I had made a start but got nowhere near as far along, much appreciated

Thanks.. 馃榿

(1 edit) (+1)

In the General Armor Category, there is INDEED Legendary Shoes that you can craft, I managed to craft something called "Running Boots of Glory". I got first try lmao.

I have to correct some things in the list,

So, there are Legendaries in General Armor, as I got dropped 'Running Boots of Glory', which is Legendary graded, I guess you just go really unlucky with the drops.
Also, in Magic Amore there is a Legendary Acessory named 'Triple Force Emblem', so don't miss out on those.

Now on another note, how do I get Roses?

I easily grinded each boss 10 times already and I still didn't get one singular rose, am I missing something, or am I really just really unlucky?

Thanks for the information, The Rose seeds may be part of the prize won after a supervisor fight, seems to be random. They are used with organic fertiliser to produce a Thorny Rose

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There are another Legendaries General Armors : Belduro, Nature's protector and Sir Swirl, Master of Evasion

How to get fertilizer that was in Central but in my new game i cant see it in shop

(3 edits)

They took out shop you get recipe fertilizer from side quest from Zentha after finish mirel rasict quest and Zaleria, Ashryn, quest and cg once those quest cg done quest for zentha she give recipe once you finish the quest

Deleted 259 days ago

Fight with kiki

fight roseris by using sandra skill robbery you will get 3 mixed fertilizer every time you use robbery

if you use to kiki you will get 3 organic fertilizer instead

Cheers, also if you win the special three match battle you can get everything for the crops and also some pretty sweet items/enhancements

what is the three match battle and how do u get it

(1 edit)

On the top left of the nature dungeon (cannot remember the characters name) she is the leader. She will give you the special option, I can't remeber what triggers it, I think you have to beat all the bosses each before you get the option, I was also pretty leveled up. My team was Ryen, Chiyo, Mira & Mirel. It can be a slog but sometimes you get a break (I did it a lot) Good luck.

what level is each of the bosses

I haven't seen any level specified for any of the three. All I can say is that your level should be pretty high when you face them Their special battle is the hardest in all the raids esp. when you face all three, there are attacks that can take your whole squad in one shot. Nedless to say it's best to have all yout groups skills unlocked, you will probably need then.