Hello friends,
Currently, I have received feedback and advice from Dave Mongan, Narrative Director at Xbox, for upcoming jams (very cool and nice of him)!
Besides Dave, other participants felt from the last jam longer deadlines would be more beneficial to some; I will host 3-day and 7-day jams to help with different types of work styles and procrastination. (Any work done in previous jams is allowed to be continued in other jams.)
Dave suggested scheduling phases for the jam. Initial Concept into themes into Tone, Player Character Profile, World Building/Lore, Mission Fiction, etc... This way, writers can aim for a full story bible or narrative design overview by the end. I assume 3-day jams can be used to help kickstart synopses, loglines, pitches, and early concepts for games; on the other hand, 7-day jams will allow you to create story bibles, demos, and practice narrative formats.