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A Game of Transhuman(ist) Art in the Far Future of Humanity · By Sungrass Press

Updates & Erratas Sticky Locked

A topic by Sungrass Press created Mar 22, 2021 Views: 189 Replies: 1
This topic was locked by Sungrass Press Mar 30, 2021
Viewing posts 1 to 2
Developer (1 edit)

Hi everyone! This thread will serve as a living update document for the ongoing writing of this game. Expect the more flashy updates in dev logs; this will be more of a passive, "here's what I've been working on", kind of thread.

FUTURE.SHOCK 01: Become as Gods
If you've noticed that the pages are a bit cluttered in places, you're not the only one. Basically, I didn't turn on a setting in Publisher (the baseline grid) which has meant that the text doesn't follow any rules but its own. The grid basically makes all the text in the document follow the same rules, which should make things easier to read. This does require some additional space in the document, which means some things will have to be taken out. Specifically, the Musings on the Nature of Forks will eventually emerge as a faction in New Humanity, and the lone art piece of the LCC will just have to be shafted for now. 

FUTURE.SHOCK 02: Betafork Blues
Development has started properly now, which mostly consists of condensing what is currently in three different documents into something that's a bit more sensible. Currently re-reading some Dogs in the Vineyard for mechanical inspiration. 


March 30th

Book 01: Become as Gods
The goals outlined in the earlier post have been accomplished, cleaning up and organizing the document a bit more. I also took the opportunity to flesh out some parts I felt like I hadn't properly written out in the release version. Barad, the 0.2 update, better reflects what I have in mind for what people actually do in the setting, as well as digging into the philosophy a bit more.

Book 02: Betafork Blues
Work continues. I've arrived at a core mechanic that I feel comfortable with, but isn't quite ready for public discussion just yet. Going along with some of the more recently added parts of Book 1, we start to look outside what the individual character does, and look more toward how they fit into the situation around them. More news on this as I work on the mechanics further. 

That's everything for now. Happy gaming!