I have been in the game development community for about 2 years. I have seen many projects and made many friends along the way, and yesterday I stumbled upon a project called Quickscope, that had just released its alpha version. Quickscope is a game development based social networking platform. After being on it for about a day, I have seen that it allows programmers, game developers, musicians, and artists to:
-Post pictures, videos, and more about things they are working on
-Connect with others to help and support each other
-Connect with programming/art/music/game development sites through groups
and after being in the discord server and seeing the developer's goals, I learned that its goal as a social networking platform is:
-To connect users with companies/recruiters to help get jobs/internships
-To provide a community where indie-developers can grow their games/brand
-To provide users an easier way to post updates about things they are working on
I have only been part of the alpha for less than 24 hours, but I really think that it has the potential to grow and help the game development and things related community. It has a wonderful and simple interface, is easy to use, and the developers are extremely kind and friendly. It is free to sign up, so I highly recommend you check it out. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or I could send you a discord link to talk to the developers. Cheers!
Quickscope , sign up, it's free!