Hey all!
We are reviving one of the greatest idle games of all times, Eternal Quest: Ascended, which was a flash game I developed years ago. It's a 2d Idle RPG with deep character building and challenging progression! Have you ever played a game where you loved building characters but hated the gameplay? Well now you can focus on building your character and screw the gameplay!
The original game was in Flash, and you can find it here (if you're able to play it): https://www.kongregate.com/games/thepeasant/eternal-quest-ascended
Or you can see a rough playthrough that a fan made here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CemTr9u3nms&t=674s&ab_channel=AtlasdracoGaming
Here is a rough prototype of the town and menu system made in Figma: https://www.figma.com/proto/E1ZiVk0oqCuo70SkbTyk0E/Eternal-Quest-Menu?node-id=173%3A1315&scaling=scale-down
Current Team
Currently we have 1x Developer, 1x Animator and myself (Game Designer / Developer) working on the project with game art already created from a Flash Version of this game. We are looking for a Game Designer / UI Designer and a 2d artist / graphic designer to flesh out our team!
Role Responsibilities
I'm going to stay on as Lead Game Designer and the two of us will share responsibilities for all aspects of the design. Ideally I'm looking for someone with strong UX skills that can focus on the Menu System and Town, with the mandate of making Functional Design that's also Immersive in that the player will feel like he's walking through a town instead of navigating a boring menu!
- Take ownership of the Town and Menu section
- Work closely with me on redesigning the in-game UI
- Contribute ideas to help improve core gameplay
- Contribute ideas for content (cool items, skills and spells)
- Help me work out the numbers for ideal pacing and progression for the game as a whole
- Help balance a complex and dynamic system
- Work on refining designs so that the complex and dynamic systems appear simple and straightforward to the user
- Spend hours upon hours staring at spreadsheets and tweaking individual decimal places
To join the team, send me a message and please include some samples or a link to your portfolio. I'm especially interested in anything related to menu design, RPGs, or general UX work. Tell me about your skills with the following tools that we're using: Figma, Google Docs (especially Spreadsheets / Graphics / Slides), Unity and Discord.
We are all working on a revshare model. Final cut will depend on how much work you put it and what roles you're willing to pick up (we can discuss when you're brought on board).
I look forward to hearing from you!