Floppy ragdoll rpg sandbox with physics-based combat · By fishlicka
I love the wamsp helmet but i can't wear it because it has no bonus stats. I have to wear my other helmets.
Can you put big bonus stats so I can wear it please.
Or you can add a mechanics in the game that can put/increase bonus stats and transfer bonus stats from one helmet to another.
I'd say you should make something (similar to the juice fountain but for the masks/helmets) which can increase stats with the juice you've drunk.
It'd be cool if the Wawsp Queen got harder the further out the hive is located. And dropped stats for the further ones.
Sounds cool but I'd love something that can convert juice into bonus stats and vice versa like the juice fountain.
Imagine if your character has all of his stats beyond 50 or more. You would be so stupidly op!