Hi! I’m Leporine, a professional writer and editor looking to work with some devs to polish off their VN scripts. I can offer assistance with writing, editing or proofreading, making sure your project's script is free of errors and ready for release.
Finished Works:
A Pinch of Magic, Common Route Writer (VN, Crystal Game Works NaNoRenO Entry 2021)
Raven’s Rose, Digital Artist & Editor (Otome VN, Twilight INC.)
Sun & Stars, Writer & Editor (VN, dovesandroses)
Ayoub, Proofreader (VN, سار الترفيهية)
>necro<psycho>therapist<, Editor & Writing Consultant (VN, Nina Kalinina & The Artefacts)
Midnight Circus, Editor (VN, Studio Moontea)
Editing is a time-consuming process, in which I will not only deal with a script’s spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes, but will also rearrange or rewrite sentences with confusing or incorrect structures. In an edit, I’ll also pay attention to your characters, dialogue, plot and style, and make sure they aren’t inconsistent. I’ll write comments in the margins to explain my larger edits, and communicate with you at every step of the way, so you know exactly why those changes were made.
My discerning read-through of any game script will catch and remove:
+ Typographical errors
+ Transposed words
+ Hyphenation mistakes
+ Sentence fragments
+ Comma splices
+ Capitalisation mistakes
+ Clunky formatting
+ Unnecessary expletives
+ Voice and tense irregularities
+ Character and plot inconsistencies
+ …and much more
If you’re confident in the script’s overall structure and are just looking for someone to come in and clean up any remaining small mistakes, a proofread will cover the basics of grammar, spelling and punctuation. I won’t restructure lines or consider the characters, dialogue, plot or style.
When deciding whether your script is at either the editing or proofreading stage, please bear in mind that proofreading is the last step in the editorial process and, as such, is only meant to catch and remove the last few errors in a script. If you're still unsure, you're more than welcome to get in touch with a sample of your script, and I'll gladly advise you on whether it's ready for proofreading, or may require heavier editing.
If you're looking for someone to bring your world to life, I'm happy to lend my time and energy to write for projects I'm passionate about.
I’ll happily work on most things, including (but not limited to) the following genres and topics:
+ Romance (all orientations welcome!)
+ Slice of Life
+ Fantasy
+ Mystery
+ Horror
+ Sensitive issues such as mental health, depression and suicide
I won’t work on projects with:
+ NSFW content (light sexual references are fine, but anything explicit is not)
+ Extreme violence/gore
+ Racism, sexism, homophobia or similar topics being toxically addressed
GAME JAMS: Please bear in mind that the prices below are for commercial projects only. I happily and regularly volunteer for game jams!
<strong class="text-strong" <the="" prices="" below="" are="" for="" commercial="" projects="" only.<="" strong="">
Proofreading:</strong> $1 per 100 words
Editing: $2 per 100 words
Turnaround time depends on the size and scale of the job, but I'll always do my best to work to your schedule. I edit and proofread around my other professional commitments and my first priorities are quality and accuracy. Anything you give me will come back to you in a timely fashion, preened flawlessly – that’s my promise. If you get in touch, I can advise you.
Writing: $3 per 100 words, negotiable in special cases.
Because of the level of dedication it takes to craft a great script, I’ll join a dev team as a writer if I’m really excited about the project. In certain circumstances – if I'm exceptionally passionate about the game, if the script is short, or if I have enough free time to spare – my price may be negotiable. This flexibility is here because I'm aware that with indie developments, there my be a need to wait until a Kickstarter campaign launches and uncertainty can sometimes come with the territory.
If you've come looking for a writer, the best course of action would be to reach out to me directly with your project pitch, and I'll be able to inform you whether I'm open to negotiable pay. I apologise for it being convoluted, but I've had to make this decision due to changes to my schedule.
If your project needs a writer and you think I’d be a good fit, I encourage you to get in touch to pitch the game. I’d love to hear from you!
+ A first class BA in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Warwick, one of the UK’s top universities
+ A qualification in ‘Proofreading & Copy-Editing’ for web and print
+ Half a decade of freelance copy-editing and proofreading experience, plus two years of teaching experience
If your interest is piqued, you can view my portfolio at helloleporine.com and contact me via email: helloleporine@gmail.com
After a conversation, if we’re both happy to progress I’ll send you my Discord tag so we can communicate more easily.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to working with you.