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Fantasy Slave Management/RPG Erotic Game · By Strive4Power

How can i add new races to the game?

A topic by Gatreex created Apr 12, 2021 Views: 606 Replies: 9
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I don t have any coding knowledge but i tried to rewrite the races in notepad and of course the game crashed so i ask you which is the best and the easiest mode to do it,if i will conclude that is too hard i will give up at doing this but i want to know how huge is the gap betwen me and moding.


To add a race to the game you will need a beginner level understanding of programming and be familiar with GDScript's syntax. The file uses a fairly simple syntax for someone familiar with coding, but even a single wrong white-space, comma, parenthesis, or bracket will break the entire file. If you used the Microsoft Notepad that comes default with the OS, then that program likely caused the crash as it does not handle newlines in the same way as the game. Any decent text editor can be used, but most people use one of these three programs: the Godot editor, Notepad++, or Sublime Text 3.

The debug mod ( is quite useful for modding as it gives faster feedback, but without experience with coding and debugging it may be quite difficult to utilize. The Discord( is a good place to ask for help but adding new races is a tedious task, which is why there are almost no mods that add new races. handles only between one third to one half of the code relevant to adding a new race. Strive does not centralize concepts well, so you will probably need to edit a minimum of 4 other files, but it could be more depending on the racial ability. The number and type of edits you would need to make depend heavily on how similar or different the race is to existing races.

Thank you man,i will try out these programs but i don t really care about stats of the races,i don t want to create some new races with new concepts,i just want to create new names cause i found some good images but they are not like any race description,like ghosts and stuff,i don t want to put a image with a ghost and to have demon as race,is just impossible to ignore for me.I tried to just copy paste the race with description,stats,apearance,etc and renamed the demon into banshee or ghost =))))),anyway if i do the code correct in one of these 3 programs is anything else i should do after?can you recomand me some tutorials or something?

If all you want is a new race name, then it should be sufficient to add a new entry to Having appropriate stats is more important to gameplay than the code. Though you will not be able to add new descriptions for the race by only editing, you would have to make corresponding changes to

As far as tutorials, I'd recommend taking a Python langauge coding tutorial, there are plenty of sites that offer interactive tutorials online for free, just google it. GDScript is based on Python. This page covers the basics of GDScript, which will make more sense if you know the basics of Python:

There are no tutorials for making the specific types of changes to Strive that you wish to make. Though if you wanted to distribute the changes as a mod there is a tutorial:

thank you i will check it out 

Dude i did it,Notepadd ++ was the real deal 

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these are the changes i ve made,at base was the code for demon but i change few things little by little until i got here