I develop a Shmup in my free time and I finally have something to offer you!
It's a beta version which contains a short level. I hope that pleases you.
Don't hesitate to give me positive or negative feedback, it will allow me to improve myself for the future.
If you liked it, share the link with your shmup friends.
Thank you !
More details:
I had wanted to make a game for a very long time but couldn't find a suitable free game engine for me.
Then, I discovered UNITY and the many tutorials available on the official website and YouTube.
In January 2020, after having followed many tutorials of all kinds, I decided to seriously start the creation of a Shmup.
Due to my technical shortcomings and the lack of framing of the project, I went all over the place.
You can take a look here to see my beginnings:
In September 2020, I took it up a notch and set a deadline for April 2021 to release something playable.
And here we are! Some compromises were made to be on time.
There is no music yet and the boss is not very charismatic.
However, I hope you enjoy playing it and find the HIDDEN GEM to maximize your score! :)
On your sticks!