Ashore - alpha v1.9.3 (report 2)
* (bug) you can exceed the 45 count in the vegetation inventory
* (spilled seed [grin]) if vegetation inventory is full, and you extract the seeds from more fruit, and you are not able to add them to inventory and you lose those (5) seeds that you just crafted in the Seed Table. The newly created seeds that cannot fit into your inventory are destroyed when you click cancel.
* (weapons idea) be able to unload a gun, put ammo back to 'ammo count', hate selling weapons with ammo in it .. ;)
Question: Are you planning on making ammo for each weapon? Just curious.
* (note) keep having to learn the 'window fence' ..
* (im an idiot) never realized that there was a clock in the STATS menu .. -- still doesn't change my thoughts about the clock in the gui
* (gui time clock) When you do add the clock to the GUI, maybe you could make it a toggle under Display in Settings? Or the easier route would be to set it as a toggle and let the user have a hotkey for it in the Controls menu, like you have the "H" for hide chat.. [maybe "T" for time?]
* (crafting) Metal_Long created with STONE .. (pic)
* (note) Was curios about the ammo count being in all boxes of all items. (pic)
* (generators / fuel) I'm guessing that fuel consumption has not been implemented yet. Which is totally fine with me while I'm just starting to test all the electrical components. ;)
* (note / bug) if fuel is in my hotbar, I cannot add it to the generator, I have to place it back in my inventory first ..
* (idea) be able to pickup all electrical items back into inventory