NanoHive Update 1
We're happy to announce our first big update to NanoHive, a top-down perspective arena shooter influenced by, in which you play as a hive of nanobots that are trying to eradicate all bacteria and viruses inside a human body. The update includes a multitude of bug fixes and some new features as well as a rework of the first map and rebalancing of the second map.
You can play it here on your browser for free, at NanoHive by Radu-Constantin Matusa (
Bellow will be a list of features we've added to the game since its release as part of Create Jam Spring 2021.
- Reworked Map 1
- Rebalanced Map 2
- Level Selector
- Camera is influenced by the mouse
- Enemy dying shader animation
- Optional Tutorial Button
-And many bug fixes
We will continue working on this game and future updates will include: a third map, new environmental obstacles, the fourth map with a boss fight, hive boost and more. I hope you will enjoy this playing updated version as much as we enjoyed working on it.