Effectively censoring games from the search engine if they're branded as having "sensitive content" and the only way to turn that off on your account is to dig through the options menu is extremely anti-developer. It's basically a shadow ban, for anything from having actual sex scenes in your game to simply even mentioning sex at all.
For erotic games it's not a big deal because users will be deliberately seeking them out, so it doesn't make a huge difference in clicks potentially. But for other games that aren't in an explicitly "adult oriented" genre yet are given the "adult only" tag it completely buries them. Since the only users that will see the game are ones that have "sensitive content" toggled on, yet the main users that will have thought to toggle it on aren't looking for that kind of non-erotic or non-violent game. So the game just won't be seen.
It's ridiculous that the search engine even censors games out to begin with, for the very reason of it being effectively a shadow ban that locks users out of seeing your content if they haven't thought to toggle on the asinine "sensitive content" option. I doubt itchio even tells you that option exists when you make an account, you could browse this site for years without realizing.
The "sensitive content" brand should just be replaced with the option to display a popup when your game is clicked on, like the 18+ disclaimer some pornography websites have, and the popup displays a variety of potential content warnings you can choose from in metadata. Users have to click to "verify" they meet the "age requirement" or whatever and then it lets them see the game page.