I'm trying to unpack it on Mac however both extractor lead to it being broken. when I do open it all I get is it can't be opened? can someone help?
The application cannot open due to missing (the execution flag) permissions (Windows has its own permissions which overrides any existing Unix permissions). In other words, the internal executable file(s) are no longer seen as an executable
First make sure the jre is compatible with your OS (last time I checked it's the Windows variant) via here (click download and do 6-12), afterwards run this in the Terminal application aka select code -> copy code -> click on Terminal app or window -> paste -> hit enter key (unless you took the manual approach which in that case you can ignore this part)
printf "\nSelect the application that cannot open\n\n"; a="$(osascript -e 'POSIX path of (choose file default location (path to downloads folder) of type "APPL" with prompt "Select the application that cannot open")')"; if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then printf "(Re)Applying the execution permission to executable files..."; while read f; do if [[ "$(file -b "$f")" =~ "Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64" ]]; then chmod +x "$f"; fi; done < <(find "$a"); if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then printf "done\n"; printf "\nRemoving extended attribute com.apple.quarantine from app..."; if [[ "$(xattr "$a")" =~ "com.apple.quarantine" ]]; then xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine "$a"; printf "done\n"; else printf "already removed\n"; fi; printf "\nPlease wait until application launches..."; open "$a"; printf "done\n"; fi; fi; printf "\n"