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[help] can't start/connect Locked

A topic by MM created Jan 11, 2016 Views: 957 Replies: 13
This topic was locked by Elisée Jan 15, 2016
Viewing posts 1 to 14


I just downloaded on Windows 7.
I run it and double-click on My Server.
Whatever I type in the username box I click Log In and it flashes a Connecting... screen for a split second and it returns to the Log In screen.

Nothing else happens. No errors. Nothing. Whats wrong? :(


That's very weird, it likes the cookie with your username can't be set somehow? Can you try leaving the launcher running and connecting through your Web browser at http://localhost:4237/ instead?

Same thing on Chrome and Firefox. It just flashes the Connecting... screen and returns to Log In :(

Moderator (1 edit)

OK, I'm a bit stumped. Can you try defining a password in your server settings and restarting it?

It's the same. It doesn't even say I need a password, just flashes the connecting screen and back. I cant really provide more info. Dev console in chrome shows nothing. If you release something with more debug info we could try to resolve this?


Can you check if there's a cookie named "supServerAuth" in the Resources tab of the Chrome devtools?

Also, do you happen to have an antivirus/firewall that might be clearing cookies automatically or doing anything weird with them?

(2 edits)

Yes it's there

No antivirus or anything.


OK, let's dig deeper :D

1. Open Superpowers/resources/app/server/index.js and look for:

function redirectIfNoAuth(req, res, next) {
    if (req.cookies["supServerAuth"] == null) {
        res.redirect("/login?redirect=" + encodeURIComponent(req.originalUrl));

2. Now, remove the 4 first lines in the function, so that it looks like this:

function redirectIfNoAuth(req, res, next) {

This will remove the server-side cookie check. Restart your server. Does it work?

3. Now, try logging the cookies being sent to the server:

function redirectIfNoAuth(req, res, next) {
    if (req.cookies["supServerAuth"] == null) {
        res.redirect("/login?redirect=" + encodeURIComponent(req.originalUrl));

Are the cookies properly logged in the server console?

4. Now open Superpowers/resources/app/public/SupClient.js and look for:

var supServerAuth = cookies.get("supServerAuth");
var socket = io.connect(window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + namespace, { transports: ["websocket"], reconnection: options.reconnection, query: { supServerAuth: supServerAuth } });

Insert a console.log call between the two lines:

var supServerAuth = cookies.get("supServerAuth");
var socket = io.connect(window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + namespace, { transports: ["websocket"], reconnection: options.reconnection, query: { supServerAuth: supServerAuth } });

Open the devtools (F12). What does the Console tab say?

That should help a bit, I got other ideas if needed.

It's the same with those lines removed.

The cookie is fine, it says

on both ends. It must be something after the authentication.

here's the next() function in redirectIfNoAuth, if that helps:

if (err && err === 'route') {

return done();


var layer = stack[idx++];

if (!layer) {

return done(err);


if (layer.method && layer.method !== method) {

return next(err);


if (err) {

layer.handle_error(err, req, res, next);

} else {

layer.handle_request(req, res, next);




OK, we're narrowing it down. Open public/hub/index.js and look for the following lines:

function onConnectionError() {

Replace them with:

function onConnectionError(err) {

And let's see what gets logged in the console.

It says:
index.js:89 invalidUsername

cookie is {"serverPassword":"qwerty","username":"mm"}

the username is arbitrary right?


Oh my god, your username must be 3 characters long at least... So it was invalid indeed.

We improved the feedback on this in today's new version (v0.19.0). And it was really necessary...

Moderator (1 edit)

Oh wow, can't believe that was it lol. Sorry for wasting your time with the lack of error reporting in the UI. At least with 0.19 the error will be displayed clearly.



yes that fixed it :)