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Why have I so many views so few purchases?

A topic by SR 17 created May 02, 2021 Views: 652 Replies: 5
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(2 edits)

Hi guys, I've posted the new game yesterday, and just put it on sale today for 75% off.

I've picked up 3 reviews, all of which were fairly positive, have invaded the tabletop reddit community, and now have put the game on sale, because despite having over 220 views, I have a grand total of 1 purchase... Is there anything wrong with my product page? Is there some egregious typo ruining everything? What is the single and easy to blame issue here, because God I want something to fix here. I'm puzzled as to why I have so many views and so few purchases, any feedback is much appreciated.


For one, tabletop gaming has a much smaller following compared to computer games. Those that do play tabletop games are probably really invested in that type of game and are looking only for the very best experiences. Even a board game like Axis and Allies is a bit of a learning curve even for a casual gamer. That's why people that do take a break from computer games opt for card games or games like Munchkin -- games where the instructions can fit on one or two pages. Any more than that and you're drastically narrowing your potential audience.

Looking at your game page, it's easy to see the style you're going for, but I think what most people are going to want to see are how it's actually played. Does it use a board? Dice? Cards? Figurines? I would recommend making a Youtube video of people actually playing it and post that to the game page.


Thanks! It's a TTRPG, meaning like DnD, its played through conversation. Your comment is helpful.


Having a lot of views and fewer sales is normal, and happens everywhere.

Your product has been public for 3 days, and it already has a sale .. that’s incredible! If you don’t have an established fanbase, earning sales is something that happens slowly over time.

I’m not sure what your experience is with publishing, but a good rule of thumb is, for every project out there with a thousand downloads, there are a thousand projects with 1 download.

Over time, establish a fanbase, be vocal on social media about your work, and it will become easier to get new projects to more eyes out there.

This may not help solve your issue, but if others are like me I have an interest and desire to play many more TTRPGs titles than I could ever find the time or money for. Even if a quality title is on sale I have to sometimes stop myself from purchase (for budgetary reasons) by asking myself "can find the time/other players to play this with?".   Finding players for non-AAA titles can be difficult Your title may be getting views and interest but not purchases for that same reason.

The cyberpunk-noir combination could also be a double edged sword.  It is a unique concept which could garner interest, however, it is possible those interested in the noir side of the coin are paused by the cyberpunk side or vice-versa?  This is not a complaint about the setting, just a hypothesis.  I received a publisher email mentioning your title going on drivethru which may expose your title to a different subset of the TTRPG audience.  I hope that helps sales/exposure for you.

(1 edit) (+3)

That sounds like a great launch, actually.  Most projects on Itch will probably not see those kinds of numbers in the first day or two, if they ever do.

That said, maybe a little taste of the rules would help.  Reading your page, I understand that it's an investigation-themed, rules-light system with a three-act structure and some promised innovative mechanics, but that doesn't tell me a lot.  I know you don't want to give too much away since it's only 13 pages.  What if you wrote up a short, fictional "transcript" of a sample session, like a few paragraphs showing how the end of the first act might play out, and gave that away for free?  That might help players get a better picture of how it plays, and it should be easy enough to do.