I checked the index.js
var statusElt = document.querySelector(".status"); var tempFolderPath; var qs = querystring.parse(window.location.search.slice(1)); var buildPath = (qs.project != null) ? "/builds/" + qs.project + "/" + qs.build + "/" : "./"; function start() { if (!isApp) { statusElt.textContent = "Can't run in browser"; document.querySelector(".must-use-app").hidden = false; return; } document.body.addEventListener("click", function (event) { if (event.target.tagName !== "A") return; event.preventDefault(); electron.shell.openExternal(event.target.href); }); if (localStorage["supLove2DPath"] == null || !fs.existsSync(localStorage["supLove2DPath"])) { document.querySelector(".where-is-love").hidden = false; document.querySelector(".where-is-love button").addEventListener("click", onLocateLoveClick); } else downloadGame(); }
i cant figure it out, also my game that is exported gets stuck in a infinite (Downloading Game) loop and doesnt launch... very odd. anyway thanks for this again, just hope to understand this more. It will take me more time to understand base supGame with typescript. meanwhile i plan to use Lua.