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[Art] Looking for a color artist!

A topic by lillivenus created May 22, 2021 Views: 393 Replies: 6
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Hey!! I am creating a visual novel app but I am aware that I'm not great at coloring. I can draw and code. I practice coloring but I'm quite busy/learning to manage time. I don't think I'd be able to color 10-15 sprites very well.

 If you're someone that loves coloring (digitally), has an interest in character and is opinionated, please let me know if you're interested in collabing with me. I'll give more details in discord.  I have a writer and would like to provide character sheets soon. Right now I'm finishing up the character designs. 

All I can offer for now is a big ol lunch ($100).

(1 edit)

hi there! I'm interested in this and would like to know more~ here's my discord apririnn#7012

Hi. If there still have a job, I'd like to help you with the collaboration.

Hiya - I'm interested! My Discord is ShatteredReality#7834.

Hi there! I could do this in a cell shaded style. You can email me at or discord message me at noa#5380.

You can see my colouring here:

Hi! I can help. Here, you can take a look on some of my works: portfolio

If you're interested, feel free to contact me on discord (auelmao#8623)