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Procedural and sleek bullet hell. · By akirassasin

My Opinion v0.21

A topic by Crimson Fork created Sep 10, 2017 Views: 430 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3
(2 edits)

I didn't notice any big changes while making it trough the intro+ first level.

The new sounds are nice, but the changed ones seem a bit too muffled for me.

The intro's boss jumped into the start position* at the beginning and the time I shoot it.

I'm going to make the final boss the next few days as usual.

(1 edit)

Ok, imho this is the best update so far.

As I promised.

First, that one pattern for attack 2+3 was really cool. Also I like the quantitative ballance between moving and stationary bosses.

Second, What the heck is the pattern at the end of the video, I mean, what actually happens there?

Minute, WHY(and HOW)?

Y R U making a break (if you don't mind me questioning)?

Very good work you did there.

What do the "Expo" Builds do?