So I was just doing the second Richter fight, as you do, when he gets stuck in the wall on the right side of the arena. I use up all of my laser eye shots on him and he curls into a ball, which I've seen happen before. Was that intentional? Anyway, I punch and kick him a couple times and he falls off the side of the arena. The camera follows him down, but stops midway through the stairway beneath the arena. I try to move and follow him down, but I'm stuck between the walls of the arena I guess? I can't see Valentine or Richter. I exited the game and thankfully it went back to my checkpoint, but just thought you might want to know. Also, really excited to see where this goes in the future, I've been here for a while. Great game! Just has a bug. Oh I was running the game on Chrome btw, on a cheap refurbished Chromebook.