
Hey Itch! I'm making a game between music commissions. It's intentionally pretty simple engine-wise, since I'm bad and slow at gamedev and I've stalled on a couple of more ambitious projects. This should hopefully mean I can do more game making and less running into coding walls, while learning things along the way so I can tackle more complex games in the future.
Looking around:

I started work on this using Game Maker Studio 1.4 about 3-4 weeks ago, I've been posting regular updates on twitter (@RideTheMammoth, #adventuror), and now that the game's starting to take form I thought I'd make a devlog where I can show things in more detail. A lot of the engine is already in place, such as interacting with things in the scene, dialogue/sprite control, dialogue choice options and visual location transitions.I still need to implement an inventory system for item puzzles and get the map screen functional, but once those are done I should be able to work towards a playable demo. Later on I might add some little action mini-games to vary the gameplay up.
Location transitions:

Conversation and a look at the full UI (mobile version, better for GIFs)

Blooper reel:

I like GIFs by the way. Any feedback is much appreciated, and remember you can follow the game on Twitter if that's your thing. Thanks for looking!