It's gonna be a long winter. I might not get to too much Rassler shit for awhile. We'll see. Here are the holdovers from Release 9.
- Booking - Bookers of a territory will choose who wins and loses based on how popular they are, how much they like you, how well the town is doing.
- Territories - If a booker puts on a lot of crappy matches, popularity will drop. Likewise, if they put on a bunch of great stuff and the fans love it, popularity will rise.
- Alignment - Your character will be a face or heel. There will be times when you switch. Wrestling matches will now have your alignment taken into account with regard to how many fans you gain from them. There will be a new "Fan Sentiment" meter which will show how the fans feel about you and will change over time by how hard you work and how lucky you get.
That's all I have for now. I'll probably toss in some more random events, too, which will affect the new alignment system.