Text based adventure game where you explore hundreds of locations in an attempt to uncover all the secrets. · By koshkamatew
RULES: No saving, send a recording with a timer on the video, starts when you hit play
say which ending you are doing + version
dude you stole this idea from me, but anyways if you want to see my 0.19 true ending speed run check my speed runs page
i didn't see your idea also, did you invent speedrunning? No? Exactly also I need a recording but I'll believe you since it doesn't seem like your lying (and not becuase Im too lazy to check if that time is even possible)
don't worry i understand, and also in my speedrunning rules i said recording is optional (but it is preferred)
hey do u have any speedruns, post them on either speedrun pos
tf how am a I piece of shit
i thout you meant "Pos" as "Piece Of Shit"
what did I just see
no swearing on my Christian post, be nice (lol)