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Current development steps Sticky

A topic by Evildad created Jun 28, 2021 Views: 2,224 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 3
Developer (1 edit)

At the moment I am reworking the in-game navigation, the character screen and the inventory.

It will also be possible in the future to select the items in the inventory and use them at certain locations.


Preview of v. 1.4 In 1.4 the Loli content will finally be added. That means that new characters are added and also one or the other environment.

Jan's so much criticized hair will also grow. His hairstyle will change in the next two updates. So it looks like they are growing.

Furthermore, the kitchen scenes will be further adapted.

Otherwise, the update will concentrate purely on content, quests and events.

Hello, I hope you are well. I like how you're doing the game, it's interesting. It's been a while, but are you going to keep working on it? I don't have money to support you, sorry :(

it's been a while since we've heard from you, have you given up on the project or is it on hold?

+1 for this, I also am curious if this will continue development