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i found something

A topic by raii! created Jul 06, 2021 Views: 171 Replies: 14
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if you want to censor the game even more then


i already found this mod out but it only has the broken heart boyfriend, and yes, im trying to make the game more sfw rather than nsfw for the kids, and only one more subscriber left on your youtube channel so you can post the tutorial

oh sheesh ok when i hit 80 i’ll do it when i have time


dont worry, im kind of a patient person

i found something that censors week 4 mom



holy crap i have 80 ok i’ll do it when i have time



sorry im taking forever i have homework on summer break >:(


oh, i feel sorry for you... Why did your school even gave you homework? Cuz if you ask me, the school just wants you to suffer

nah it’s my older sister giving me a math book


im starting to hate your sister now... Lol

nah i don’t HATE her, i just find it annoying that i have to do math on summer break. Also today i think i’m free for now.

cool you have an sister