Hi Everyone!
I wanted to share a quick post to let everyone know that Final Storm project page is live and preorders are 30% off! The planned release date is November 2nd, 2017 and I'm in the final stages of polish, optimization and bug-smashing. I'm also looking for reviewers / You-tubers - so drop me a line if you're a reviewer and you like twin stick shooters! They will get a free copy of the final game.
Final Storm is a twin-stick shooter / bullet-hellish style game meant as a 5 minute pickup game when you just want to spray bullets and challenge your reflexes. It doesn't try to be all things to all people - just plain Old'Fashion arcade style twin-stick shooting fun! Checkout the page https://bitbionic.itch.io/final-storm for more info and screenies :) Steam store page is also in review right now for what that might be worth. Thanks for taking the time to view this - Here's the promo video: