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Create creatures and let them evolve to see how they master various tasks. · By Keiwan

save files

A topic by endrghxst created Jul 17, 2021 Views: 696 Replies: 2
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I want to take my save files with a usb stick to my new computer. Where do i find them?


You can use the "Export" button in the save file selection window to save them to an arbitrary location.

If you just want to copy the entire folder you can find it at
C:\Users\<userprofile>\AppData\LocalLow\Keiwan Donyagard\Evolution
or if you use a Mac
~/Library/Application Support/Keiwan Donyagard/Evolution

There should be two folders there: "EvolutionSaves" and "CreatureSaves"

(1 edit)

What about Linux ? (not in browser but portable binary). Thanks a lot !