I've been running a Goblinville game for 20 sessions now and thought I'd share my house rules and thoughts behind them.
• New Titles and Traits are assigned when returning to town, not at the end of each session. - We found we were taking 4 -5 sessions to go out and then get back to Goblinville and wanted to slow down XP progression.
• Fragile is a trait on an item. Fragile items break first when a twist causes an inventory item to break. - I'd mentioned this for a few loot items they found and it just became a thing.
• Magical Attributes are added to character sheets and can be used as either a Title or a Trait but can only be used once and then are erased. (ex. Chosen of Din after completing a magical ritual)
• Traits and Titles bestowed by items may be used while injured or sick conditions are active. - This is just a way to make items with traits feel more special.
• Session goals, when completed, allow the goblin to remove either Exhausted or Panicked from their active conditions. - Suggested by the players to give additional weight to session goals. We're still testing it out.
• Needing to roll a new marching order while in combat doesn't mean a camp action is immediately required. However, needing to camp immediately after said combat is a possibility. - Sometimes we would go through a couple turns while fighting a boss and I felt everyone gaining a condition while in the combat was too dangerous.
• If you try to attack an enemy who is at range and you do not have a ranged weapon you are at poor position. - This could represent charging at them with a melee weapon, or even harsh language.