Currently, I'm reworking the game. The gameplay is very simple but I have a lot of fun playing it though.
I want to gain experience with mobile game publishing for another project I started to work on.
So this simple gameplay is perfect to create a lot of levels. I have a small idea at the moment how I can implement a monetization system (that won't be necessary to use as a player, because it will be optional (so far)).
The gameplay will be the same.
So a list of rework-stuff will be:
* art style
* more challenges
* achievement system
* settings for sound, language and game reset
* perhaps I can manage to combine it with google play (save game data) - I have just no experience with it so far
* monetization
* analytics
* later on: more types of objects. not only flowers. Perhaps candies, balloons, paper plains...
This is the current art look (still WIP)