Hideki Ayanokoji
Age: 19
Birthday: December 3rd
Height: 5’9”
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Nationality: Japanese
Hometown: Yokohama, Japan
Blood Type: AB-
Condescending, critical, short-tempered and asocial, Hideki Ayanokoji would rather be alone in his room than do...anything else. His hyper-critical views on romantic relationships are fitting for a robot studying humans, and his opinions on women are less than delicate (to say the least).
While Kevin Gallagher excels in the social aspects of university life, Hideki excels solely in academics, specifically in the field of mathematics where he is considered a genius.
Despite being radically different, Hideki and Kevin are not only long-time roommates but close friends (though Hideki will never, ever, ever admit this).