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Thrown dinos don't go on boat if they go over another collider Locked

A topic by Alex Bair Games created Oct 25, 2017 Views: 181
This topic was locked by Alex Bair Games Feb 21, 2018

Changes to the physics system subverted this problem a few months ago. Throwing while against a destructible hits the destructible instead (so it won't give the expectation of the boat collider working since the dino never reaches it in the throw).

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Steps to reproduce:

  1. Throw a dino over a collider (e.g. the grass on stage 4) at a boat.
  2. Watch the dino sit on the boat but not go in.


  1. Knock out a dino
  2. Throw another dino over the knocked out dino at a boat
  3. Watch both dinos sit there and nothing happens.
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