Hey! I see that you are entering the official Project ghost(at least that's what i call it for now) Itch.io community!
First off, thank you! I know it seems like the basic stuff a human does to check out the community of a random Itch.io game, but seriously, you don't know how much it means to me!
Second off:
Community Rules:
- Keep it clean
- No dirty jokes, keep your immaturity for yourself
- Any post here must be related DIRECTLY to this game. if you want to contact me, give me a shout at Gamejolt.
- If content is not yours, credit the creator(gosh i feel like i'm entering the rules of a subreddit)
- Remember the human (Sorry)
- While on the topic of Reddit, Please carry over some of that Rediquette (yes I KNOW that this is the User Agreement)
- You do NOT ask me where you can donate me, You can't. it's as simple as that.
- I will NOT pay you for any commissions
- Any stuff related to other franchises must be for children, sorry, people who wanted to make a crossover from this game and Call of Duty, it just ain't happenin'
- No rickrolling me. If you decide to rickroll me via this community, you WILL be banned. I know, pretty strict rules just for a rickroll (especially considering I like the song just no pranking. OK?), but that's life.(does rickroll need to start with capital R considering it came from the name Rick?)