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A topic by Virtual Desires created Oct 29, 2017 Views: 730 Replies: 7
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Please post any suggestions you might have for Sapphica: The Ascension here.


1. Card draw animations should be faster

2. Have an area where you can view the opponent's played cards on the previous turn, I can't quite catch what the opponent played on the opponent's turn.

Hope this helps, good luck!


Hey Gozieson,

Both excellent suggestions. Thank you. I will be sure to take them into consideration on my next update!

Your suggestions are appreciate greatly.

Bad Rock

Deleted 4 years ago

Hey FeatherRuler,

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you found it fun! I agree there needs to be a lot more depth to the game. My next step is to create a deck builder which will allow you to unlock collectable cards.

I like your card Suggestions. I wonder what special effect Pussy Footing would have...?

I do plan on having themed cards. For Example all the cards you have seen so far will be part of the "Vanilla" themed deck. I hope to have a "Toy" and "Fetish" Deck too.

Thanks for your comment.

Kind Regards

Bad Rock!

Deleted 4 years ago

Nice suggestion dude! I'm busy working on the update and I have the basic deckbuilder prototyped. I just need to implement the save/load feature to it then we can go live :D.

(1 edit)

Hi again!

So. With V0.2 out and a slightly larger card pool I can give some more in-depth thoughts on the game as a whole... This is almost as much an essay-length review as a suggestion, but there are suggestions at the bottom.

Background: I may not be who you're aiming at with this one. My experience with card games comes from relatively complex card games like Yu-gi-oh and Hearthstone (never played Magic, but I know how to) as well as somewhat simpler ones like Arcomage from Might and Magic, which the flash card game Castle Wars is reasonably similar to. If you haven't heard of that either, both are castle-building wizard-combat games with both health (castle) and shield (wall) bars, 3 resources (stone/magic/weapons, in essence) as well as 3 different, but interlinked ways to win (accrue resources and resource income to play more powerful cards; build up your tower, since you win instantly at a certain height; and destroy the foe's tower). That's more than enough about me; on to Sapphica.

General impression: I like it alright, but I don't love it. Matches are, in the game's current early state, too short and lacking in depth for me: it's a race to win before you lose, where the strategies initially available are "win faster" or "lose slower". (I personally found the self-damaging card draw cards in the first level to be pretty much a guaranteed loss if played, since my main difficulty is usually "can I find the time to play all these cards and win before I lose?").

I liked the addition of heal chain and invest, but duels still feel shorter, and involve less choice, than I'd like. (And I'm going to harp on about length for a while, so if the matches are this way by design then you can probably ignore a lot of this.) Usually, my matches tend to end on 6 or 7 mana regardless of whether I'm using the defensive deck (I've not yet intentionally tried to stall the game out with self-healing, but I suspect it's not possible for long) or the aggressive deck. This makes saving cards to use together often a losing strategy, unless it's something like Tender Kiss which is so much weaker on its own that you're better off playing nothing than wasting a single one on the first turn; similarly, effects that require long chains of cards are often a bit lackluster because you can only get 1 more card in afterwards. (Although heal chain and grower might turn out to be extremely strong if you could consistently get 3-4 activations, and I can imagine that happening if some cards were added that costed 0-1 mana.)

It's quite possible this will turn out not to be a problem; the duels might only be short because the defensive starter deck isn't very good and the AI decks aren't very defensive, or maybe you were already planning to have the max health amounts (both player and opponents) increase later in the game? Or maybe this game length is fine for basic aggressive decks like these, and for the kind of drawn-out stylish control or combo battles I'm looking for, I need to wait for a bondage or domination themed deck... or just build a defensive deck with Arousing Thoughts, Banana Lube, and a cheap Invest card.
It's also possible the reason duels feel short to me is that all these cards are a bit expensive mana-wise, so you don't get to play that many of them.

Finally in "not really bugs but not really suggestions either"... even though when I think about the theme its actual effect makes sense, the text of the banana lube card is unhelpful:
The effect of banana lube is called "Heal Chain", but it's intended to be played *first*, while Chainer cards are (for best effect) played after other Chainer cards; "Heal Grower" or "Heal Boost" or "Add Healing" or something would actually be a more helpful name. But that's minor compared to:
The effect text is "Heals 1 points of damage for every card played this turn." Before playing it, I interpreted this as an immediate effect: "for each card you've already played this turn, (possibly including this one, wasn't sure), heal 1 point of damage." What it actually does is "For the rest of this turn, when you play a card, heal 1 damage."
I will admit that my confusion was partially caused by past experience with Yu-gi-oh's chain cards, which are activated at the end of a complex sequence of "your trap card activated my trap card, muohoho", then happen instantly. But this card's wording strikes me as confusingly ambiguous, just because it doesn't say "before it" or "after it" or anything like that.

In conclusion, I personally would in general be interested in seeing (though I don't know if these necessarily fit the game at all, and they range from very vague to very specific):
1) This is the main one: Basic match lengths slightly-to-moderately increased (either in general, or just later in the game) to reward patiently squeezing the full value out of your card combinations, or building up to really powerful cards, rather than dumping your starting hand as fast, but efficiently, as possible for a quick win. I actually think the current decks can probably already do 30 damage without running out of cards and relying on top-decks, given enough mana to use everything. (Maybe 20 health is fine for now, but later on when more powerful cards are available it seems like it might result in a lot of high cost cards going completely unused, because the duels are just already over before you can play them; perhaps 30-50 health instead of 20 would be a good ballpark for later but I don't know for sure. 40 or 50 does seem like it could  be too much right now. Keeping the pleasure limit at 20 but making it first to 2 orgasms instead of 1 (you'd keep your hand and mana, probably, it wouldn't just be a best of 3) could work similarly and perhaps enable new balancing mechanics, but also might be confusing or conflict with established rules... and it does still double the health, which might make these early duels stall out towards the end.)
2) More effective ways to stabilize and slow down matches until you can get the cards and mana you need, making very skewed matches against opponents with unfair advantages (like an opponent with 100 health, or 4-5 starting mana) potentially winnable and hopefully broadening the range of possible opponents and strategies. I don't think Lips and Tongues has the endurance to make playing a heavily defensive strategy possible, and it also does a fair amount of damage incidentally with cards like banana lube. Although I'm also not sure it has 100 damage in it, with all its cards combined, so maybe that's a bad example.
3) Cheaper cards costing 0-1 mana, but with very weak effects or other costs associated; in fact, given the strength of grower (and to a lesser extent chain heal), a card which costs 0 but does nothing on its own ("whisper sweet nothings"?) might already be worth using in the right deck, even bearing in mind you only have so many cards. Or a 0 or 1-cost Chainer with a weak Chainer effect that you can use to start off your Chainer sequences...
4) Cards which gain advantages which last beyond the current turn (perhaps the toy themed set would fit well here?) -- for example, a card (giant mirror?) that lets you see the opponent's hand, or a card (...vibrator?) which deals damage each turn, or a card (I have no idea) which grants a Grower effect that lasts for the rest of the match, or just a certain number of turns. Anything like that.
5) Alternative win conditions? A deck could win by leaving the opponent completely exhausted and helpless to resist your advances (no cards left in the opponent's deck) or tied up and at your mercy (some sort of specific card combination).
6) Ways to interfere with your opponent's plans - for example, look at their hand and discard a card from it, or even steal it; I can also envision a bondage deck based on gradually shutting down the opponent's ability to play cards, but something tells me it might be horribly un-fun to play against. Maybe ways to interfere with the opponent's mana.
7) Opponents with specific traits or fetishes (making them inherently particularly vulnerable to specific types of attack), encouraging you to focus on a specific strategy if you know who you're up against, while overall forcing you to vary it up a bit if you want to get every advantage you can, rather than just picking the deck you think is the best and playing that all the time.
8) Maybe the Orgasma shop could also offer permanent upgrades to max "health" and/or starting mana / hand size? I'm not sure if that would work at all... Maybe if they were sold as accessories rather than permanent upgrades, so you could only use one at once, but you could freely swap between them? Enemies having access to them as well would probably balance it out...

And I'd specifically like to see:
1) An indicator of how many cards are left in your deck.
2) A text change to banana lube.
3) The deckbuilder, of course, and I guess a shop that sells cards or card packs/sets for Orgasma as well.
4) The ability to walk up to absolutely any Sapphica NPC (barring people who massively outrank you, aren't interested, or are specifically restricted for story reasons, I suppose) and duel them. Maybe via a button that appears while talking to them or something, so it's still possible to talk to them as well as dueling them? I don't know...
5) Named opponents reacting to you winning or losing. I don't know what happens if you lose because I never did, but I don't think the initiate camp quartermaster says anything after you beat her.
6) Perhaps a slight buff (-1 cost or +2~3 damage or something) to Tribadism, but at the cost of minor self damage (2~3 points maybe...?). For the theme, more so than anything else. I like it thematically as a finisher card for the vanilla themed set at 5 cost, so +damage is probably better than -cost, but I haven't actually played a decent deck with it yet though so this is all a little speculative.
7) Would be nice if there was some time to watch the animation of the final attack you used (or the opponent used). Particularly remember this being a problem with Tribadism in V0.1 where it did like 12 damage or something crazy like that. Perhaps the 'end turn' button should be replaced in this situation with an 'end duel' button,.. if that doesn't turn out to cause more new and exciting bugs.

Best of luck with the ongoing project!

P.S. I have a horrible feeling I'm going to hit the comment length limit.

Edit: P.P.S. That might have sounded kind of negative in places, but bear in mind I just typed almost 2000 words about it and I don't do that about things I don't care about.



First let me thank you for taking the time to write a review this length. I appreciate it massively and shows you have passion.

I completely understand how the duels feel a bit short, and I absolutely love the suggestions you have given me. Especially the idea of having best of 3 rounds for each duel.

My initial aim for a duel was to have a quick match that could potentially be over within 5 mins. I didn't want longer more drawn out based combat, I wanted to create something quick and snappy.

The mechanics are growing with each release I am developing, as I am learning just that little bit more of how to incorporate the ideas I am having. I follow the ethos of K.I.S.S - Keep it simple stupid, but perhaps a just little too simple.

I think one of the first tests I will do regards to changing how a duel feels, is to make cards much cheaper, and start to incorporate more permanent effects.

Again I can't thank you enough with your response, It is really helping me grow as an indie dev.

Until Next Time

Bad Rock

Thanks for the response, and for explaining the underlying philosophy. A shorter follow-up / response:

do think there's value, even for more complex hardcore games, in keeping the basic game simple. Also, for the purposes of teaching new players the game, cards and decks which are mostly comprised of plain and straightforward conditional damaging cards are a good thing; it helps retain the 'easy to learn' part of the ideal 'easy to learn, hard to master'.

I like the idea of cheaper cards and permanent effects; I think that might help create actual decision-making in the earlier turns. Needless to say, with the current health amounts and duel rules, cards probably need to be weaker if they're cheaper or duels will just be even shorter. (triple Tender Kiss on turn 2 for 2+7+7 = 16? The horror...)

It would, on reflection, be unreasonable of me to expect the kind of half-hour gambit-pileups or puzzle-like control battles that Yu-gi-oh sometimes produces from a game like Sapphica, and that's not really the theme of Sapphica anyhow. And actually, thinking about it, 5-minute duels sound perfectly fine; my problem is (as I'm guessing you already figured out) with 1-minute duels (not exaggerating; out of curiosity, I decided to test it, and I can consistently win with Fingers Do The Walking in under 60 seconds, on the 5-mana turn*) where I know what card I'm going to play next before the opponent even takes her turn. Might be important when talking about duel length to bear in mind that there's no turn timer and different people play at different speeds, especially with 18+ games, so it could take someone else 5 or 10 minutes to play the same exact duel I can finish in 1 or 2.

A couple of interface related suggestions I didn't think of before because I was tired. These would also be more important if I ever played more than 2 cards in a turn:

1) Add a display for the current Grower bonus, or make still-active cards stay up on one side of the screen, or something. Similar for Heal Chain. Or maybe somewhere you can click or hover over (maybe the "health bar"?) to display active card effects... basically just make it so you can see every card that's currently affecting the game. This is probably extra important when cards with persistent effects are added. (The way Invest is currently displayed is fine.)
2) Indicate somehow whether a Chainer card has been played this turn: Maybe a visual indicator (a tick, or a chain icon, or a glow around the edge, or something) on other Chainer cards, or just in a corner of the screen. Or maybe some sort of action log would be better? Or a discard pile could perhaps work... or, like with the Grower suggestion, the first Chainer card played could stay up on the screen until the end of the turn. Chainer feels to me like more like an effect that's printed on the second card, though, so it's likely the indicator should be on the second card as well.

* Test game: 3 damage turn 1 (Finger Bang); 4 damage turn 2 (Helping Hand); 3+5 damage turn 3 (double Quick Draw); 5 or more damage turn 4 (there is no 2-card combination in the deck that doesn't do at least 5 damage, but you can do up to 8 with your 5 mana, making up for a weaker turn 3 if you only drew one Quick Draw by then, or had to use lube on turn 1, or something).