Risa Hayase
Age: 18
Birthday: March 10th
Height: 5’2”
Hair: Black, dyed purple.
Eye color: Dark brown.
Nationality: Japanese
Hometown: Takuya, Japan
Blood Type: AB+
Risa was born and raised in the town of Takuya, only a few blocks away from Inou University’s campus. She plays guitar and sings in a local punk rock band called FLATLINE...and that’s about all anyone knows about her. She tends to keep to herself and carries an air of mystery wherever she goes. Students whisper about how cool/popular she is, but few people ever spent time with her outside of class. One-on-one, Risa can be awkward and nervous, sometimes saying things that destroy her image of ‘coolness’.
No one is sure why she is in Inou or how she got in, but she views her studies with a great deal of apathy.