I built a mac .app bundle for one of my games. I can't put savegames inside the bundle, so I put them into /Users/$NAME/Library/Application Support/$GAME/savegames. This has the nice effect that installing new versions of the game with the itch-app will not erase saves games and screenshots. Also you can put the game somewhere read-only for all users and each user has his own writable savegame/options/player profile place. The second point is moot with the itch app of course, as it installs the whole game in a per-user config directory anyway.
The problems are:
- When you uninstall the game through the itch app, the savegame folder will stay
- You can't put the downloaded game on a thumb drive
Will itch have a preferred savegame folder outside the game folder? Should I do something different when running under itch? How do other games handle savegames (and screenshots and highscores)?