Slate is an app that lets you multitask without you having to constantly switch windows.
Image picture-in-picture, but for anything that you'd like.
And you get to open as many windows as you like that stay on-top of what you're doing.
Whether you want to:
- Follow tutorials in real-time as you code
- Relax with games as you watch your code compile
- Browse docs as you bring your next project to life
- Or do all of them at the same time!
Then Slate is perfect for you!
And not only that, but Slate also let's you float any of your favorite websites or local files so you can always stay on top of the things that matter most to you!
You can check out Slate here:
You can also visit the official site for more details.
This is the second in a series of productivity apps I'm building, the first one being Focus Wall. So, if you like these and would want to add more tools in your development arsenal, stay tuned!