Comment somethings that you know so more people can know!
Seaweed - no actual use, just sell them
Flowers - can make animal feed, wich i dont know how it works
Bottles - can be filled with water, and water the plants to grow them faster
Generator - boost the speed of the machines around it ( pretty op)
Roads - just decoration, but the dev confirmed that it will boost your mov. speed
and here is some help for people that have lag!
-Try not to have many itens on the map, if you have machines running, try to pick the itens constantly (you can pick those from a distance, just hover the mouse over them)
-Fish catchers actually lag a bit, so try to collect those as soon as possible
-Wheat and Mining Rods are a pretty good duo for making lag, since wheat when grown is broken by the mining rod and drops 2 sometimes, causing a LOT of lag
and the Wiki page:
everyone who can, please help to edit this wiki, its really hard to make a wiki for an entire game, with just me